Fees and Prices
Our fees are very competitive across the Wellington region. They vary depending on which service you book in for.
Our Prices
General Medicals including blood test: (INZ1007)
Adults over 70 years
(Under 15 - without blood tests)
$460.00 (includes extra cost for mini mental exam - brain function test)
There is also an admin fee of $30.
Limited Medicals including blood tests: (INZ1201)
(Under 15 - without blood tests
Chest X-ray only (not included with a Medical): (INZ1201)
X-ray referral only
Pacific Radiology
Wellington Imaging
There is also an admin fee of $30.
Other appointments (Review, Referrals, Drivers Medical)
Review between $89.00 and $210.00 for consultation
Specialist Referral $120.00
Drivers Medical $148.00
Additional prices may apply if there are abnormal clinical findings and further investigations are necessary.
All prices are inclusive of GST at 15% .
Prices may be subject to change without notice.
RIW Health
Phone 04 939 7484 or 04 939 7485
Mobile 027 411 1138
Email info@riwhealth.co.nz
Lower Hutt
Unit 5, Boulcott Village
721 High Street
Lower Hutt, Wellington
Tuesday 9am - 5pm (Lower Hutt)
Thursday 9am - 5pm (Lower Hutt)
Phone calls taken everyday 9am - 5pm